Along with twice-daily brushing and daily flossing at home, several preventive dental treatments help you prevent cavities by boosting the strength of your teeth’s protective layers. They play a crucial role in preventing cavities and ensuring long-term oral health. Do you know? Over 90% of adults will experience a cavity in at least one of […]
A child’s first visit to the dentist should be enjoyable and positive. The more you and your child know about the first visit, the better you will feel. Children are not born with a fear of the dentist, but they can fear the unknown. Sunnyvale dentist Dr. Gupta makes a practice of using pleasant, non-frightening, […]
Most people know that they should schedule a dental cleaning and checkup at least once every six months. But not everyone sticks to that schedule consistently, which is a major reason why dental issues like cavities and gingivitis are so prevalent.
It might not seem like a big deal, especially if your teeth and gums feel otherwise fine. But bleeding gums are a more serious warning than many people give them credit for. In most cases, it signifies the presence of gingivitis—an infection in your gum tissues caused by excessive oral bacteria buildup.
Gum disease is one of the most common chronic dental health issues, and it’s the most common cause of adult tooth loss in America. Yet, the problem with gum disease isn’t that it’s difficult to treat; on the contrary, timely dental treatment has helped many patients prevent or control their gum disease before significant damage […]
Though most people are familiar with the terms “plaque and tartar,” not everyone realizes why their dentist is so adamant about keeping them under control. Even if you know that you should brush and floss your teeth every day, you might not realize the consequences of skipping a routine once in a while. The truth […]