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Wisdom Teeth and Associated Problems

Wisdom Teeth and Associated Problems

Wisdom teeth aren’t like your other teeth. As the last set of molars (or third molars) to develop and erupt, wisdom teeth are often problematic due to their tendency to become impacted by your second molars. This impaction can lead to a host of subsequent dental issues, like severe toothaches and traumatic injury to one or more of your teeth. If your wisdom teeth are giving you trouble, then it’s time to have them extracted. If you’re not sure if your wisdom teeth are problematic, then beware of other signs that might help warn you of danger.

Do your other teeth hurt?                                        

Wisdom tooth impaction means that a third molars has become stuck underneath or behind another tooth, or has failed to erupt because of its angle of growth. An impacted wisdom tooth doesn’t know to stop growing, and as it continues to try to erupt, it will push against your teeth, causing some of them to become sensitive.

Are the gums around your wisdom teeth irritated?

Impacted wisdom teeth can also cause soreness and irritation in your jawbone and periodontal tissues around them. If your gums or jaw feel especially sensitive, especially when you bite and chew your food, then impacted wisdom teeth may be to blame.

Does your bite feel slightly off?

As third molars push against your other teeth, they can gradually cause your teeth to shift out of alignment. In addition to toothaches and sensitivity, you may also notice that your bite feels slightly off due to the change in your dentition. After extracting your impacted wisdom teeth, your dentist might suggest treatment to correct your teeth’s alignment and restore your bite’s proper balance.

Schedule an Appointment

Our primary goal is to enhance the health and quality of life of every one our patients through customized, comprehensive dental care. Book an appointment Call Sunnyvale Dental Care today at (408) 720-0900. We also proudly serve patients from Santa Clara, Cupertino, Mountain View, San Jose, Campbell, Palo Alto, and all surrounding communities.

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Opening Hours:

  • Monday: 9 AM to 7 PM
  • Tuesday: 9 AM to 7 PM
  • Wednesday: 9 AM to 7 PM
  • Thursday: 9 AM to 7 PM
  • Friday: 9 AM to 7 PM
  • Saturday: 9 am to 2 pm (Appointment only)
  • Sunday: Closed

