AcceleDent Sunnyvale
Sunnyvale dentist Dr. Bhawna Gupta uses AcceleDent to expedite your orthodontic treatment. You simply insert the comfortable AcceleDent mouthpiece that fits around your existing orthodontics, then activate it for twenty minutes each day. The AcceleDent mouthpiece gently vibrates. These tiny vibrations, or micropulses, are very gentle–actually eight times less aggressive than an electric toothbrush.
AcceleDent’s micropulses accelerate the movement of your teeth in the direction guided by your orthodontics. Because your teeth safely move into position up to 50% faster with AcceleDent, the total time of you orthodontic treatment with Sunnyvale dentist Dr. Bhawna Gupta is greatly reduced. Many of our Sunnyvale orthodontic patients have also found that AcceleDent makes their orthodontic treatment more comfortable.
Learn more about Invisalign aligners and orthodontic treatment when you visit Sunnyvale Dental Care. Call Sunnyvale Dentist Dr. Bhawna Gupta at 408-720-0900/ TOLL-FREE 1-877-9DENTAL to schedule a consultation today!