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HealthNet Dental PPO Maximum and Deductible

HealthNet Dental PPO Maximum and Deductible
Many terms are associated with dental insurance plans. Direct and clear communication with your HealthNet Dental Insurance plan is a top priority here at Sunnyvale Dental Care. Sunnyvale Dentist, Dr. Gupta and his expertly trained team are committed to comprehensively understanding your dental insurance plan and coordinating your treatment needs to maximize your benefits.


Your dental insurance plan maximum is the total dollar amount HealthNet provides for dental care in a benefit period. Maximum amounts vary based on your specific HealthNet plan and can range from the high end of $2500 per benefit period, to $1000 on the lower end. Benefit periods are identified by either a calendar year or 12 consecutive months. Some treatments provided at our office aren’t covered and therefore do not deduct from your plan’s maximum. Cosmetic and elective treatments, including teeth whitening, are examples of non-covered procedures. HealthNet reimburses based on a percentage of the treatment cost. For example, most preventive care is covered at 100%, basic restorative and major treatments are typically covered at 80-50%.


The HealthNet deductible refers to the payment that you must apply toward your treatment first, before your insurance plan will begin to pay benefits. Deductibles only need to be applied once during a plan’s benefit period, and it’s important to know that not all treatments require a deductible to be applied first. Sunnyvale Dentist Dr. Gupta and his staff make sure to inform you when your deducible applies. Bridging the communication gap between you and HealthNet dental insurance company is of utmost importance to Dr. Gupta. At Sunnyvale Dental Care our goal is to create a treatment plan, educate and advise you of your treatment needs and how we can best utilize your insurance coverage to provide the best care for you and your family.
Learn more when you visit Sunnyvale Dental Care. Call Sunnyvale Dentist Dr. Bhawna Gupta at 408-720-0900 to schedule a consultation today!

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    Opening Hours:

    • Monday: 9 AM to 7 PM
    • Tuesday: 9 AM to 7 PM
    • Wednesday: 9 AM to 7 PM
    • Thursday: 9 AM to 7 PM
    • Friday: 9 AM to 7 PM
    • Saturday: 9 am to 2 pm (Appointment only)
    • Sunday: Closed

