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How to Choose the Best Dentist for You? Sunnyvale, CA

How to Choose the Best Dentist for You? Sunnyvale, CA​

Who is the best dentist for your & your family’s oral health? If you are looking for an answer to this question, read on!

It is evident that your dental health impacts your total health; profound dental researchers have very well established the relationship between oral health, and overall health & well being. Finding the best dentist is not hard if you don’t shy away from a little bit of research before taking the decision that impacts your family’s health.

Choosing a dentist can be easy if you have a reference from someone you know and trust but often that is not the case. Referrals are an excellent way to go about it only if you don’t want to do all the work!

As every individual has different dental needs, it might not be the right thing to take somebody’s word for it if they do not understand your dental requirements and preferences. We don’t like to brag about it, but most of our patients come through word-of-mouth to see Dr. Gupta, which is something he is proud of and appreciates very much.

We suggest nothing extensive but a simple checklist that will guide your way to find the best caretaker of your oral health.

Look for Dentist’s Credentials & Affiliations:

The best dentists not only have dental degrees but pursue continuous training to keep their knowledge and practice at par with recent developments in technology & evolving dental procedures.

They will also have affiliations by reputed dental associations like American Dental Association and others. Learn about your dentist’s professional training and to understand his/her knowledge & reputation in the field of dentistry.

She is also a member of many prestigious dental societies and associations including The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. To know more about her credentials visit Meet Dr. Gupta section on our website.

Look for Convenient Hours & Location:

It is good if your dentist is near your home or workplace, it makes it easy to visit your dentist for routine check-ups without taking too much time of your day.

Check the driving distance through location apps if you are new to the area. Sunnyvale Dental Care is conveniently located in the heart of Silicon Valley, near Downtown Sunnyvale, serving patients from the surrounding areas.

Our practice is considered by many of our Sunnyvale patients as the local dentist near me. Also, due to our office affiliation with the lending club finance company we are known as the dentist near me who takes payment plans and best affordable dental places near me.

See if your best dentist provides emergency dental appointments and will be available for your urgent need. With kids, location becomes very important in case of a dental emergency.

A dentist with extended or convenient office hours can be very helpful and also if you have a busy working schedule. Ask the dentist about how he/she addresses emergency requests during weekends or late evening.

Sunnyvale Dental Care office opens as early as 8 am in the morning and closes around 7 pm during the weekdays. During emergencies, we make room for urgent patient appointments and might also extend the office hours further as per your request and staff availability.

We also see emergency patients with special arrangement during the weekend if they have a serious problem and require immediate attention.

Look for Financial & Insurance Knowledge:

It is good to choose a dentist who is a member of preferred provider organization (PPO) with your insurance company to save some money on your dental expenses and get specially negotiated and reduced PPO fees.

Some offices also offer an in-house payment plan for cash patients who don’t have any dental insurance. These options will enable you to take care of your dental expenses if you are a cash paying patient who doesn’t have insurance or your insurance coverage is exhausted for the given year and still need an urgent dental treatment.

A financial service like lending club also makes it easy to manage your treatment costs at a no-interest rate if you pay your dues within a certain period of time.The best dentist’s staff takes care of your insurance claim process on your behalf; make sure they understand your specific insurance coverage, limitations, maximums, and copayments and are available to help with any questions you might have.

Sunnyvale Dental Care insurance coordinator is well versed with all insurance related information. Our patients trust us for comprehensive insurance guidance and support. We have tie-ups with third-party financial companies and an in-house payment plan to help our cash patients.

Look for the Dental Facility & Equipments:

Having the most advanced dental technology equipment does not account for superb dentistry skills, but it is an enabler.

Using the latest technology is also a sign that your dentist is aware of the most recent advances and has educated himself to master new techniques and equipment to provide the best dental services.

Know about the equipment they use, read about their sterilization and infection control process.If possible see dental office pictures, videos or take a virtual tour of the facility. A clean, organized and well-maintained office speaks a lot about the service.

Even the reception area will provide you a glimpse into the ambiance of the dental facility. See whether it is a relaxed and comfortable environment. See if you will be happy to visit this office and bring your family at least twice a year.

If you have special needs like wheelchair access and others, look for the facilities provided by the dental office. Don’t be shy to call and ask the dental office about your related concerns.Some dental technologies used at our Sunnyvale Dental Care office are Panorex X-Rays, Intraoral Camera, Telescopic Loupes, DiagnoDENT, Rotary Endodontics, Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) and others.

Look For Reviews & Recommendations:

Word-of-mouth provides valuable references that you can trust, but sometimes it is not easy to find the right information. In the case of dentists, recommendations coming from a patient share a lot about the dentist and his dental practice.

Search online and know what patients are saying about your dentist, and ask your friends for references. Apart from office amenities, look for a review on Dentist’s knowledge and expertise also. If you go through a couple of them, it may shed some light on the overall patient experience, although it would not be wise to trust any online review site blindly.

Some credible sources like Google, Yelp, Facebook and BirdEye provide unbiased reviews that will help you see a clear picture. Find Sunnyvale Dental Care on Google Business/ Maps to read patient reviews and feedback. We encourage patients to write us genuine reviews to help us improve our services and provide superior dental care.

Some other important questions you might consider asking when looking for the best dentist for your oral health:

  • How much time it will take to see the dentist after you take the appointment. What is the waiting time?
  • What is the process to get an emergency appointment without any prior notice?
  • How do they manage payments & insurance claims?
  • How does the staff communicate? Languages they speak?
  • What kind of customer service they provide like appointment follow-ups or reminders?

We are quite sure by this time you will have a fair idea about choosing the best dentist. If not, you might also like to visit our convenient dental care office at Sunnyvale, CA, which is a 28-year-old dental office serving patients with utmost consideration and care!

Sunnyvale Dental Care philosophy is to do the utmost effort to provide you with the best dental services that dentistry has to offer.

Our Emergency dental services  are second to none. Sunnyvale Dental Care thrives to help every dental emergency walk ins which includes patients with severe pain, patients in need of cosmetic repair to unsightly front tooth or even an emergency dental cleaning.

Our dental services scope is comprehensive and it includes the following: Preventive Dentistry, Family Dentistry,  General Dentistry, Dental Checkups & Examination, Dental Cleaning, Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontics & Clear Braces, Night Guards, Periodontal Services, Root Canal Treatment, Oral Surgery, Dental Implants, Pediatric Dentistry, Geriatric & Elder Care Dentistry, Dentures and Sedation Dentistry.

Learn more when you visit Sunnyvale Dental Care Practice. Call Sunnyvale Dentist Dr. Gupta at 408-720-0900 to schedule a consultation today!

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