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Sedation Dentistry Sunnyvale

Sedation Dentistry Sunnyvale

Sedation Dentistry Sunnyvale

Many patients fear dental visits; it’s normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Sunnyvale sedation dentist Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS and the entire compassionate staff at Sunnyvale Dental Care, understand your anxiety and know how to effectively relieve it.

In addition to providing excellent care and communicating with patients our dental professionals at Sunnyvale Dental Care are trained in sedation dentistry.

Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS uses FDA-approved medication to induce a calm, relaxed state. At Sunnyvale Dental Care office, we can use sedation dentistry to make you comfortable during routine dental checkups, restorative dental procedures, or smile-enhancing cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Oral Conscious Sedation Sunnyvale

Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS uses oral sedation dentistry, or “conscious sedation,” to relax you during your dental appointment. This mild sedative is delivered in a pill, which you take shortly before your dental treatment.

Under oral sedation, you may actually remain conscious, awake, and responsive, though in an extremely relaxed and comfortable state. Our conscious sedation dental patients feel no anxiety and usually remember little to nothing of their time in the dental chair. Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS uses conscious sedation medication that is clinically tested, safe, and FDA-approved to eliminate your dental anxiety.

Unconscious Sedation Sunnyvale – IV Sedation Dentistry

Sunnyvale dentist Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS can arrange to have a dental anesthesiologist administer IV sedation while he is performing dental treatment.

This FDA-approved, unconscious sedation medication is delivered intravenously, and you will be completely unconscious during your restorative or cosmetic dental treatment at Sunnyvale Dental Care Practice.

You will not remember anything about your dental visit, making IV sedation extremely effective at countering dental anxiety.

Should You Consider Sedation Dentistry?

If you have extreme dental anxiety, sedation dentistry is preferable to avoiding your dental appointments altogether until small problems become bigger. Bigger problems generally require extensive treatment.

With sedation dentistry, Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS can regularly clean your teeth, quickly fix your smile with tooth-colored dental fillings or dental crowns, or complete larger cosmetic or restorative procedures, without you feeling nervous or remembering anything.

If your fear of the dentist has kept you from getting the smile you’ve always wanted, Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS can provide an easy, stress-free solution to a winning smile and all the confidence that comes with it.

We can often complete multiple dental procedures in one sedation dentistry visit, and you’ll hardly feel the needle, experience little to no gag reflex, and have no fear or even recollection of your treatment.

Please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today.

In this day and age convince is key, no wonder the term “local dentist near me” is on top of the many search phrases used by patients looking to find new dentist. Sunnyvale Dental Care is located conveniently in the center of Silicon Valley with great access to many freeways and highways.

Looking for a local affordable dentist near you that provides sedation dentistry? Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS can assist you. Sedation patients usually have not been to a dentist for years.

They are afraid to even call and make an appointment. When they find a dentist that knows and understands best their fears and can successfully address their dental needs, they are usually happy and appreciative.

They write reviews about their experience at Sunnyvale Dental Care on media sites like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Yelp. Reading these reviews warms Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS hearts to be able to help.

Sunnyvale Dental Care is located on El Camino Real close to downtown Sunnyvale providing sedation dentistry to apprehensive dental patients residing in the following Sunnyvale zip codes: 94085, 94086, 94087, 94088 and 94089.

Understanding your PPO dental insurance coverage is easy if you have an expert on your side that can help you navigate your way through the complicated insurance policy terms, conditions, insurance coverage, maximums, deductibles, restrictions, limitations, and inclusions.

Sunnyvale Dental Care dental office accepts most PPO insurance coverage for the convenience of our patients, including: Ameritas, Assurant, Anthem BlueCross, Cigna, Dentegra, Geha Connection, Guardian, HealthNet, Humana, MetLife, Dental Benefit Providers, Aetna, United HealthCare, First Dental Health, Maverest, Principal, DenteMax, and Avesis. Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS is a premier provider with Delta Dental

Learn more when you visit Sunnyvale Dental Care. Call Sunnyvale Dentist Dr. Bhawna Gupta DDS at 408-720-0900 to schedule a consultation today!

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    Dental Sedation FAQs

    Sedation dentistry is a field of medicine that aims to make dental patients comfortable and relaxed during their procedures. Sedation dentistry uses sedatives (such as benzodiazepines and nitrous oxide) to achieve this goal.
    You might be a sedation dentistry candidate if you experience extreme dental fear, anxiety, panic attacks or dental phobia. You might also be a candidate if you desire to complete several procedures during a single office visit because sedation will make the time go by faster. Other people who often use sedation are the elderly, the very young, and patients with various physical and mental ailments.
    Sunnyvale Dental Care offers nitrous oxide sedation, oral conscious sedation and IV conscious sedation. Dr. Antonious will work with you to determine which technique is the best for you.
    Nitrous oxide sedation uses a mixture of two gases – nitrous oxide and oxygen. During treatment, a mask is placed over the patient’s nose, and he or she inhales the gas mix. Within minutes, the patient begins to feel deeply relaxed, comfortable and at ease. In addition, many Sunnyvale Dental Care patients experience a pain-relieving effect. The effect of nitrous oxide disappears within minutes after the gas is stopped. Popularly, porcelain veneers are used. They are indirectly fabricated, customized, and properly designed to give you the same shape, size, and color as natural shining tooth. The composite veneers can be placed directly in the mouth or indirectly made in a dental lab which is later fixed on the tooth. The veneers treatment process will help you gain confidence by having shining teeth and a beautiful smile. You can discuss with Sunnyvale Dentist Dr. Antonious what type of veneer, porcelain or composite, will be more appropriate cosmetic treatment for you.
    Oral conscious sedation is administered in the form of oral medicine. The patient takes medication either before arriving at the dentist’s office, or at the office. Within 30–60 minutes, the medication begins to take effect. Most Sunnyvale Dental Care patients experience a feeling of warmth, heaviness, and deep, pleasant relaxation. The effects of oral conscious sedation disappear gradually, over the course of several hours.
    IV sedation is the deepest form of dental sedation. It is administered through a tiny catheter inserted in the arm. The benefit of IV sedation is that it can be adjusted throughout the treatment depending on the patient’s needs.
    Most patients first notice lightheadedness. This feeling soon gives way to sensations of warmth and heaviness. Alternatively, some patients report that they feel very light, as if floating. The body and mind enter a deep state of relaxation whereby patients feel very safe, secure and completely at peace.
    During some of the sedation dentistry methods we offer you will be in a dream-like state where you will be aware of what is happening and able to answer questions and voice any concerns. During IV sedation, which is the deepest form of sedation used in dentistry short of General Anesthesia, creates a sleep like state where the patient is virtually unaware of the dentistry being preformed. Most patients have little or no memory of the visit.
    No, sedation medications are not pain-killers. Instead, they are designed to calm the nervous system and help you relax. In order to control pain, Sunnyvale dentist Dr. Antonious will administer appropriate local anesthesia.
    If you received sedation with nitrous oxide, you will feel like your normal self within minutes after the gas is stopped. If you received oral conscious sedation or IV sedation, the medication will take several hours to wear off. During this time, you might feel disoriented, sleepy and extremely relaxed. This is why you must have somebody else to take care of you after your oral conscious sedation or IV sedation procedures.
    If you received nitrous oxide sedation, you might be able to remember what happened during your procedure. However, your memory might be fragmented or fuzzy. If you received oral conscious sedation or IV sedation, you will remember very little about your treatment.
    It depends on the type of sedation you receive. If you receive nitrous oxide sedation, it might be safe for you to drive yourself. If you receive oral conscious sedation or IV sedation, you must have somebody else drive you home and stay with you for a few hours. In addition, if you took your sedative before coming to Sunnyvale Dental Care, you will need somebody to drive you to your appointment.
    While no medical procedure is 100% safe, sedation dentistry has an excellent track record of safety. Every year, millions of people undergo their dental treatments under sedation. If you have any safety concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to Dr. Antonious.
    Sedation can help with your needle phobia. Dr. Antonious can administer sedation before any needles are used. This way, you will be completely relaxed and fear-free by the time needles are used.
    You should always discuss any sedatives, herbal remedies and over-the-counter medications with Dr. Antonious prior to your treatment. While sometimes it is okay to take mild sedatives prior to your appointment, it is vital that your dentist knows about it. This is important because they will need to determine drug compatibility and the precise dosage of additional sedatives and anesthetics.

    Post-Op Instructions for Oral Sedation Procedures

    Please Review Instructions below before Your Sedation Appointment
    1. Contact us prior to your appointment if there has been a change in your heath.
    2. You MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult who must remain in the practice throughout your appointment, escort you home afterwards and arrange for you to be looked after for the following 24 hours.
    3. Nothing to eat for (6) six hours before appointment.
    4. Clear liquids are permitted up to (2) two hours prior to appt examples below:
      • Clear fruit juice (no pulp)
      • Black coffee or tea (sugar allowed but no milk, cream or whitener)
      • Pop (regular or diet)
      • Gelatin desserts (Jell-O)
      • Popsicles
      • Water
    5. Please do not wear make-up, nail polish or perfume.
    6. Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing. A short sleeved shirt is
 Bring a sweater as well.
    7. If you are taking medications or are a diabetic, please ask for any special instructions.
    8. Visit the bathroom prior to being seated.
    9. Coughs and cold can interfere with your appointment. If you are feeling ill in the days preceding you appointment, please advise our office.

    Post Operative Instruction for Sedation Appointments

    1. You MUST NOT drive any vehicle , operate any machinery or use any domestic appliances for 24 hours following sedation, as dizziness/drowsiness may persist.
    2. Do not go up or downstairs unattended. Patients will need assistance by a responsible adult with walking and using the restroom
    3. Do not perform any strenuous activities.
    4. Do not travel by public transportation.
    5. You MUST NOT drink any alcohol, return to work, make any appointments, sign any legal documents or make any important decisions for 48 hours after sedation.
    6. Do not attempt to eat a heavy meal immediately. If you are hungry, a light diet (liquids and toast) should be adequate. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated.
    7. A feeling of nausea may occasionally develop after sedation. Lay down until you feel better.
    8. Avoid extremely hot/cold beverages as the freezing may last for 2-4 hours, be careful not to bite your lip or tongue.
    9. You SHOULD NOT smoke as the sedation may make you fall asleep while smoking
    10. Pain medication may be taken as directed, but do not exceed the instructed dose.
    11. Please have someone home with you the first 12 hours after your appointment.
    12. Any illness occurring after the appointment should be reported immediately to the practice.
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