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Things to Know About Teeth Whitening

Because nearly everyone can develop teeth stains, teeth whitening has become one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments available. Nevertheless, many people don’t fully understand how the procedure works, or whether or not it can actually help brighten their smiles.

With a variety of options designed for your comfort, our teeth whitening treatments not only erase your teeth stains, but also make your teeth more vibrant and youthful in their appearance.

Will the results be permanent?

Teeth whitening is a chemical treatment that your dentist applies to the surfaces of your teeth. As it acts, the whitening gel breaks up and removes stain deposits on the surface of your teeth. The results are dramatic, but not permanent.

Over time, your teeth may develop stains again, though you can prolong this by practicing good hygiene and attending regular checkups and cleanings consistently.

How do I know teeth whitening will work?

Before your dentist performs teeth whitening, he will carefully inspect your teeth and their stains to ensure that teeth whitening is the right option. For example, if your teeth are becoming discolored from within, rather than developing stains on their surfaces, then you may require a more permanent solution, such as porcelain veneers.

Should I consider a different cosmetic option?

Professional teeth whitening is designed specifically to meet your needs, and can be performed in our office in just a single visit, or from the comfort of your home with a take-home whitening kit. However, if you require a different cosmetic option, then your dentist will personally consult with you to help you determine the best course of action.

Schedule a Teeth Whitening Appointment

If your teeth no longer look their best, then find out if teeth whitening can restore their brilliant shine! Schedule a teeth whitening appointment by calling Calling Sunnyvale Dental Care today at (408) 720-0900. We also proudly serve patients from Santa Clara, Cupertino, Mountain View, San Jose, Campbell, Palo Alto, and all surrounding communities.

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