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Teeth whitening mistakes that are damaging your teeth

The goal of teeth whitening for any dentistry patients is to give themselves the radiant, pearly white shine of a healthy smile. Sadly, some use DIY whitening products excessively or in ways that are generally bad for the health of their teeth.

This may result in issues that not only weaken the enamel on your teeth but also give you the ugly spots or stains on your teeth that you’re seeking to avoid. Here are 5 DIY whitening blunders that you can unknowingly be making that are doing more harm than good to your smile. Read on to learn more.

The Use of Baking Soda in an Effort to Brighten Your Smile

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It’s possible that you’ve read about baking soda as a successful whitening method on social media. You are mistaken, think again. First, older tooth stains are unaffected by baking soda’s action. Additionally, it is a very abrasive chemical that can erode the enamel of your teeth. Last but not least, using baking soda to try to whiten your teeth may result in persistent tooth sensitivity.

Using a Whitening Tray that does not fit correctly at home and without supervision

Some retailers provide DIY whitening trays for use at home. Customers are typically instructed to boil the bleaching trays, place them in their mouths to “mould” them to their teeth, and then let them cool. This procedure is difficult to complete, which is the problem.

If you make your own whitening trays, they might not fit your teeth properly, which could cause the whitening gel you put in them to seep into your mouth. It can cause unpleasant gum irritation as a result.

It is advised that you contact our doctors to get a custom-fit tray that you may use at home to whiten your teeth using trays and gels.

Using teeth-whitening strips very often

For a long time, teeth whitening strips have been a popular at-home whitening option. They are convenient and reasonably priced to purchase, and you can even find them at your favorite big-box retailer.

However, some people go too far with these remedies. Some people use whitening strips more often than is advised. Others wear them longer than recommended by the instructions. You might even believe that these “tricks” will accelerate the whitening process or more aggressively combat stains that seem to be heavier or deeper. Unfortunately, it isn’t the case at all.

Overuse of whitening strips can actually cause tooth sensitivity, which our specialists may not be able to permanently fix. This will slow down the process of making your smile look brighter. Honestly speaking, if you prefer to use whitening strips at home by yourself over professional whitening at a dentist, be wary and stick to the instructions on the back of the box.

Using any product that isn’t intended to whiten teeth specifically

The peril of social media, oh my. In your News Feed, you may occasionally encounter pictures or videos promoting teeth-whitening alternatives utilizing common household items. Since you already own these items, you might not hesitate to use them to try to make your grin whiter.

We recommend you use only products with an American Dental Association (ADA) Seal that can be used to safely whiten teeth. Or, if you’re unsure, visit our dental office and consult with one of our doctors before utilizing this purported home treatment. Trust us, you want a professional’s advice before using anything on your teeth, and the most recent article from your friends or the people you follow does not count.

Using Acids Found in Food to Whiten Teeth

Food-based acids like lemon juice or apple cider vinegar are another at-home solution that some of our Cambridge patients have reported utilizing to get whiter teeth. But you should be aware that acids are truly harmful for your teeth if you’ve been listening to our doctors, who have been speaking to you about this. Acids like those present in foods can erode tooth enamel and increase your risk of getting cavities, which is something no one wants.

Discover More About Your Possible choices for Teeth Whitening

Our specialists are delighted to assist, whether you want to whiten your teeth at home but have concerns before getting started or are interested in the expert teeth whitening procedures we offer in our dental office. To schedule an appointment Call Sunnyvale Dental Care today at (408) 720-0900.

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