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Space Maintainers

When a tooth is lost too early from an injury or abscess, other teeth may shift into the space and result in a child’s malocclusion or bad bite. That’s why it is important for your child to visit Sunnyvale Dental Care Practice every 6 months to prevent and intercept such teeth shifting before it’s too late.

A space maintainer is needed to hold space for the permanent teeth to come in properly after a primary, or “baby,” tooth is lost early. A space maintainer for the front tooth will improve the child’s appearance and may aid in proper speech development. When a permanent tooth is lost, a space maintainer is also used until a more permanent bridge can be placed.

Three Types of Space Maintainers

These different types of space maintainers can be either removable or fixed. Removable are usually made from acrylic (plastic) and can be removed by the patient. Fixed are usually metal and are cemented and cannot be removed by the patient. The selection of the appliance is based upon your child’s problem, their age and the number of teeth lost.

Space Maintainer Care Instructions

To learn more about other pediatric treatments visit Sunnyvale Dental Care Office. Call Sunnyvale Dentist Dr. Gupta at 408-720-0900 to schedule a consultation today!

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